Thursday, May 3, 2018

What Makes a Deck Good

What makes a certain deck good? Most of you will probably say that consistency is the on the key factors in a good deck. Or maybe the ability to make strong monsters. Both are correct, but there is more to it than just that. The game has moved to a point where the goal is go first and make a board full of negations to lower your opponent’s ceiling allowing you to win the game quickly if your opponent doesn’t have any good outs. The perfect deck in theory should have the capability to make a first turn board full of disruptions as well as being able to play around your opponent’s disruptions going second (as well as playing around hand traps). One of things that most disruptions have in common is the limited amount of uses (excluding flood gates and cards like Naturia Beast). Looking at the Pendulum magician first turn of Odd-eyes Vortex Dragon and Narito the Moral Leader. They can both only be used once per turn. This means you simply must have the capability of baiting out two negations maybe three if they have an Ash in the hand. The best way to do this obviously is Amano-Iwato. However, it isn’t searchable and most decks can’t run it without lowering their own ceiling so much that they will lose.

So, how do we build our decks to utilize this theory the most? I recently have been experimenting with Karakuris. I found that going first I could consistently end on a board of Crystal Wing and Nautria Beast and maybe an Ash in hand as well if I drew it with Saryuja. This is by no means an easy board to out. My opponent can’t out Naturia Beast unless they have Ghost Ogre and if they do I can negate it with Crystal wing. However, the deck has its flaws. If my opponent could out my board there was no way I could recover. This lead me to the conclusion that card advantage is everything. A decks power level can be gaged by its ability to plus. A deck that can easily plus can remake boards that have been broken.

In most cases summoning a synchro, XYZ, or Link monster (Except link 1 monsters) is a neg 1. You are using 2 cards to make 1.  Fusion summons are worse. If you use cards from your field or hand then it’s a neg 2. If you play a deck that can spam lots of Synchro or XYZ monsters, but never plus you will run out of resources fast. If you look at most meta decks in the best they all have one thing in common. They can turn negs into plusses. Take shaddolls for example. If you resolve El Shaddoll Fusion using a Trick Clown and a Shaddoll Beast to summon Construct you are technically going minus 2. However, Trick clown resolves its effect summoning itself and Beast gives you a card, as well as Construct’s effect sending a Shaddoll Dragon and then destroying a card. You just turned a minus 3 into a plus 1. Another good example is the Crystron Needlefiber combo with O-lion and Summon Sorceress in ABC. Needlefiber by its self is insanely good as it turns a normal neg 1 into a plus 0. Adding in this combo and you no just went plus 1. The main point is that most of these decks never neg when making plays. These decks have the capability of making powerful boards but still have enough cards to make a good follow up play the next turn.

If we look at the Brandish Maiden deck. We see a deck that can’t really make a lot of powerful monsters, but they do play enough disruptions and removal in the form of spells. The one thing that makes the deck so good is because of their ability to gain resources. Once the deck has set up its first turn board and they have Multi-roll on the field the deck will begin to generate so much free advantage. If you have 3 or more spells in your graveyard every card you play is a plus 1. Each time you link summon a Brandish Maiden Link monster you are going plus 1. This played a huge part to my advantage one game. My opponent had Herald of Perfection on board and I had a Brandish link, Multi-Roll, 4 set and 3 in hand. I had so much Card advantage over my opponent that I could afford to play through all his negations. He only had 3 cards in hand so he could only negate up to 3 times after that I was able to do whatever I wanted. I then got everything he negated back with Multi-Roll. In the end I had gained so much advantage in that game that it won me the game on top of having access to removal cards when I needed them. Similar decks could be Dragon Rulers with Super Rejuvenation and Spellbooks with Spellbook of Judgement.

To sum it all up: Decks that can generate free card advantage over time are better than decks that can throw out a big board with lots of negations, but have no way to recover. I would rather play a slower deck that can gain advantage with inevitability than to play a deck with a high play ceiling. Decks that have inevitability are at a huge advantage if played correctly.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Principle of Inevitability

The principle of inevitability states that all things being equal one deck will beat another given enough time. If I say that a deck has inevitability it means that the longer the duel goes on the easier it is for that deck to win. This should not be mistaken with having a good grind game because they are totally different. Having inevitability means that you will gain advantage from a long duel whereas having a good grind means that you are able to survive a long duel. Remember this concept only applies if the two decks are equal in strength.

If you have ever played Yang Zings then you know that they have inevitability. You will gain advantage in the longer duels. This is why Yang Zings are generally considered to slow for this format. Most of the time they will have trouble with Nekroz, BA, and Satellars because those decks are to fast. Now lets look at the bigger picture. Suppose you are playing BA and and the duel goes on for 15 or 20 turns. You would be very low on resources while if your playing against Yang Zings they will have significant advantage over you.

So, do you think that the principle of inevitability exists or not? I would love to hear what you think in the comments. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Could Heroes Be The Next Best Deck?

The hero strike structure deck will be coming out soon and the question still remains: Could Heroes be the next best deck? Heroes are arguably the most consistent deck. Of course Qliphorts are also very consistent. The deck can make Darklaw, which is very good against all meta decks this format.

There are two ways to play heroes: Control and OTK. The control build is less aggressive, but runs more backrow and uses the fact that Darklaw kills all the meta decks. The control build is very strong but is a little to slow. The Otk build as you might have already guessed focusses on finishing the game by turn three. It can make. It also makes first turn Darklaw to screw over their opponent while they set up for otk. This build is better because we are in a format were you have to finish the game by turn 3.

Is running little to none backrow the right way to go? The answer is no. If we look at all the current meta decks they are running 5 to 8 traps. By running more traps you combine aggressiveness and control to fix the flaws of both builds.

So, could Heroes be the best deck? No. At least not until they get Blazeman. He plays a key roll in heroes that makes them stronger. He can dump a hero in the grave and copy it's stats.

To sum everything up: You need to run otk Heroes but, also run 5 to 8 traps. They won't be good until Blazeman comes out in the tcg.

Do you think they will be the best deck?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Meta Post Secret Forces

Secret Forces will have a lot of impact on the meta when it comes out. Its Important to be prepared for what happens. 

Right now we have a 3 deck format consisting of Burning Abyss, Qliphort and Shaddolls and Nekroz will take the place of shaddoll as the third best deck this format. Burning Abyss and Qliphorts are both better than Nekroz but, none the less Nekroz will still be a strong deck this coming format. As we look at the previous OCG formats we can see the Qliphorts and Nekroz were constantly battling for the tittle of the best deck (mainly because OCG didn't have burning Abyss). I personally think that Qliphorts have an edge on Nekroz because Qliphort Stealth's effect to bounce a monster to the hand without letting your opponent respond to it with Trishula's effect.

I don't think Shaddolls will be completely shoved out of the competitive scene by Nekroz. I just think that there will be less shaddoll players. The top tiers will be arranged in this order of the best decks.
1 Burning Abyss
2 Qliphorts
3 Nekroz
4 Shaddolls
The reason I put Burning Abyss as the best deck is because it can gain card advantage fast and cycle through it's cards, giving it infinite resources.

We also know by looking at the previous OCG formats, that Heroes played a big role as one the top decks that format. In the TCG we will be getting the hero structure deck around the same time we get Secret Forces; Which means Heroes will join the fight for the best deck. I also think heroes will come in the top deck list under Shaddolls. The next few weeks will have a huge impact in the TCG meta.

You may be thinking Where do Spirit Beasts come in the picture?. I think that Spirit Beasts are very subpar compared to the other decks I mentioned earlier. Don't get me wrong, Spirit Beasts are still a good deck. They just aren't good enough to compete in this format unless they had 3 Macro Cosmos. They are a lot like Yang Zings; they are good, but not good enough to top an event.

Tell me what you think about the impact that Nekroz will have on the upcoming meta.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ritual Based Burning Abyss

Secrets of Eternity will be coming out soon, so I'm going to give you a look at my ritual based Burning Abyss deck. It uses the new ritual card to make the deck more aggressive and control at the same time.

Monsters 20

3 Tour Guide From the Underworld
3 Cir, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
3 Graff, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
3 Scarm, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
2 Libic, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
1 Farfa, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
1 Rubic, Malebranche of The Burning Abyss
1 Djinn Releaser of Rituals
3 Malcoda, Netherlord of the Burning Abyss

Spells 11

3 Good & Evil In the Burning Abyss
3 Upstart Goblin
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Mystical space typhoon
1 Rank-Up Magic Astral Force
1 Foolish Burial
1 Snatch Steal

Traps 9

3 Fire Lake of the Burning Abyss
3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1 Karma Cut
1 The Traveler And The Burning Abyss
1 Solemn Warning

Extra 15

2 Virgil, Rockstar Of The Burning Abyss
3 Dante, Traveler of The Burning Abyss
2 Number 47: Nightmare Shark
2 Downerd Magician
1 Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Wind-up zenmaines
1 Chronomaly Chrystal Chrononaut
1 Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror
1 Ghostrick Alucard
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

Djinn Releaser Of Rituals?
Photo Credit
Amazingly Djinn Releaser of Rituals has a lot of utility in this deck. Being able to lock down your opponent and swarm the field is amazing. You may be thinking, "If it's so good, why are only playing one?" The reason is I always have access to it via Tour guide, Scarm and Dante.

Ritual Summoning
I don't ritual summon that often, but you can get to your ritual cards using dante after you mill them. I also use "Good & Evil in The Burning abyss" second effect to add fire lake and trigger a Malebranche at the same time.

There are a few really cool plays with "The Traveler And The Burning Abyss" in this deck. I can ritual summon Malcoda and then bring both cards used for the ritual summon and overlay them for a dante. By using this combo you put a lot of pressure on your opponent.

The new Malebranche Monsters
Libic and Farfa are the new Malebranche monsters From
Secrets of Eternity. Farfa banishes a monster on the field until the end phase And Libic summons a monster from the hand but negates the effect. They both have their spot in the deck. Libic is good for a lot of aggressive plays and Farfa is extremely good in the mirror match and the Shaddoll match-up.

Tell me what you think about the ritual based version and your opinions on Farfa and Libic.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Exploring Mermails For The October 2014 Format

Mermails have been around for quite a while and every once and a while you will see one top an event. I think this deck is a good contender for a top tier deck, which is why I will be taking it to Regionals.

Mermails are a fast swarm deck that focuses on fast wins. The deck makes rank 7 XYZs really fast such as Dracossack and Big Eye which are very good cards this format. They can also make Rank 4 and 3 XYZs. For example, "Castel, The Skyblaster Musketeer" a rank 4 XYZ is effective against Shaddolls, giving the deck more advantage.

Monsters 26
2x Genex Controller
2x Genex Undine
1x Mermail Abyssleed
2x Mermail AbyssMegalo
3x Mermail Abyssteus
1x Mermail Abyssturge
3x Mermail Abysspike
3x Mermail Abysslinde
1x Mermail Abyssgunde
1x Mermail Abyssocea
1x Atlantean Dragoons
2x Atlantean Marksman
2x Atlantean Heavy Infantry
1x Aqua Spirit
1x Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls

Spells 6
3x Upstart Goblin
1x Mind Control
1x Book of Moon
1x Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps 8
3x Abyss-Sphere
2x Breakthrough Skill
1x Abyss-Squal
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Bottomless Trap hole

Extra 15
1x Leo, Keeper of The Sacred Tree
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Dewloren, Tiger King of The Ice Barrier
1x Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Mermail Abyssgaios
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Castel, The Skyblaster Musketeer
1x Bahamut Shark
1x Maestroke The Symphony Djinn
1x Ghostrick Alucard
1x Mechquipped Angineer
1x Mermail Abysstrite

Genex Build
I chose to run the Genex build because it added more consistency.  Being able to Trigger Atlantean Dragoons with Genex Undine's effect is key to making this deck good. It also gives you faster access to Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls, which the Aqua Spirit build could not do effectively without Lavalval Chain. 

The Atlantean Suite
In this deck my Atlantean Suite is...

1 Atlantean Dragoons
2 Atlantean Marksman
2 Atlantean Heavy Infantry

I found this to be the perfect ratio this format. Infantry can be used to hit flood gate cards like Vanity's Emptiness. Marksman can hit the backrow you might be scared of. I also found running more of Infantry or Marksman than I currently play to be cloggy.

Do you think this deck has a chance this format?

Thursday, September 25, 2014

October 2014 Banlist

Check out my new video discussing the new banlist. There are  some very interesting changes which will bring back old decks such as Synchro Plants, Fire fist, and Chain Burn.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

3.5 Axis Fire Fist Duel

Here is a video i uploaded. It is Eye of Timaeus Vs Fire Fist. Click Here to watch it and remember to subscribe for more Videos.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Why You Should Play Mystical Space Typhoon

After the release of Primal Origin a lot of players aren,t playing Mystical Space Typhoon(MST) anymore or they are just playing one, But why do they no longer play MST? In Primal Origin the Artifact Archetype was released in the TCG. Whenever an Artifact card is destroyed in the spell or trap card zone on their opponents turn they are special summoned and they will get another effect. The main Artifact monster that you have to worry about is Moraltach because he can destroy any monster on the field. This is a logical reason for why you should not MST, but there are some cases where you will want three MST in your main deck. For example if you go against scraps and they open up with Scrap Factory then you are in trouble if you only play one MST because you will hardly draw it. there are many more times when you will want to play MST but you don't have anymore. This is why you should play MST.

How to use MST

If you do play MST you will want to carefully use it though. There are plenty of Artifact decks around, so you will not want to blind MST. When you blind MST you are randomly going to MST another card. This can lead to a game lose because you might hit a Moralltach. What you will want to do is set your MST an wait until your opponent's endphase to use it and the effects of the Artifact cards will not activate.

I hope you found this helpful.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Upstart Goblin And Reckless Greed

Upstart Goblin and Reckless greed are the most popular draw cards this format. you may be thinking Why are they good? and What decks can play them?

 Reckless Greed allows you to draw 2 cards, but skip your next 2 draw phases. At first sight this card may seem bad, but it's not. If you play a deck that can otk like Mermail, Dragon Rulers, And Darkworlds this is a good card to play because it gives you 2 more cards in your hand. If you play 2 Reckless Greeds you don't have to skip your next 4 draw phases because they don't stack. If you activate 1 Reckless you will go +2 and -2 so it levels out at a +0 or a -0. If you activate 2 Reckless you will go +4 and -2 or just +2. if you activate 3 Reckless then you will go +6 and -2 or just +4. This is why Reckless Greed is so good.

Upstart Goblin Allows you to draw 1 card and increase your opponents life points by 1000. By playing Upstart Goblin in your deck you are essentially playing a 37 card deck because as soon as you activate Upstart goblin you will replace it with another card in your deck. If your deck is a combo based deck like: Fire Fist, Quasar decks, and Evilswarm this card is the best card to play because it lets you get your combo pieces fast.

Now that you know a lot more about these cards you can try to put them in your deck. Personally i like Upstart Goblin.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Top Five Best Non-Meta Decks

Hello everybody. Today I am going talking about good decks that you don't see anyone play.

1Six Samurai: They are strong and can control your opponent. They work by swarming and negating effects with Naturia Beast and Naturia Barkion.

2 Psychics: They focus on making high level synchro monsters whether you are playing Tele Dad, Grandsoil Psychics, or just regular Psychics.

3 Gladiator Beasts: They use monster effects to pop their opponents cards and they can replace them selfs with any Gladiator Beast you want that is in the deck.

4  Fabled: The playing style of Fableds are similar to Darkworlds, but they synchro summon monsters a lot and can even make Quasar Dragon.

 5 Machina Gadgets: Their playing style is to search and swarm.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


On april 1st there was a video going around that said that Dracossack and exciton knight would be reprinted. This is not really going to happen, it is an april fools.

Why is it not real?

1: There is not a list of contents on the page.
2: Dracossack and Exciton Knight are to good to be reprinted
3 It is not on the official Konami Website.

Sorry that you guys got disappointed about it, but they might get reprinted in the future.

Check out my Youtube channel 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Top Decks For April 2014

The banlist will come in affect tomorrow and that means that it is time for a new format. A few decks got hit, but not hard enough to kill the decks. Here is what I think are going to be the best decks for this format starting with the best.

 Mermails: I still think that Mermails are the best deck even though Mermail Abyssgunde was limited. They don't need her at more than one because they can search her with Teus. Click here to look at my mermail deck.

Bujin: The reason I think Bujin are one of the best decks is because they  can't be killed. They protect one monster and thats it.

Fire Fist: Even though wolfbark is limited they are  still good. They will use Call of the Haunted and Reborn Tengu instead of Wolfbark. Click here for my Fire Fist deck profile.

Geargia: Geargia swarm a lot and pull off so many OTKs.

Darkworlds: They do a lot of special summoning each duel and with the new support being released in Primal Origins they will be even stronger. Click here for my Dark world deck profile.

Hieratic Rulers: They are not the best deck, but they can be good. They use Dragon Rulers for XYZ and synchro plays.

Chaos Lightsworn: They are strong and with the right hand they can OTK you.

Synchro Decks: Quickdraw Plants, Synchro Plants, or T.G. Junk Doppel.

Blackwings:  Have always been one of the best decks. They do a lot of synchro summoning.

Inzektors: They have consistency issues so they don't do that well, but when they get a good hand then they are hard to beat.

Those are what i think are going to be the best decks for this format.

 Click here to take a look at my youtube channel.

Friday, March 28, 2014

New Dark World Support OP

Dark Worlds will be getting new support in Primal Origins; Kelt Ogrelord  of the Dark world is a level six Fiend with 2400 ATK. Playing him will give you access to rank six XYZs like Photon Strike Bounzer. You may Think that he is not good, but he is. His effect is that when he is discarded you special summon him.

Why is he OP? He is OP because if you play your deck right then you can special summon three of him in one turn. Playing him over Beiige give you more chances to OTK your opponent. Here is how you pull off the OTK. Activate Gates of the Dark World. Discard three Kelts this can be done using any card that will get off their effects. Attack your opponent directly with all three of them. 2700 + 2700 + 2700 = 8100. That is how you pull off the OTK.

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