Friday, January 24, 2014

Top Decks for January 2014

With the new ban list effect, Dragon Rulers are dead, but many decks are now gaining popularity, such as Fire Fists, Mermails, Bujins, and Madolches. Now that they are gone, other decks have a chance to shine. Among these decks are Mermails, Hieratic, Madolche, Bujin, Blackwing, Fire Fist, Geargia Karakuri, and Prophecy.

Mermails can swarm the field and make rank 7 XYZs first turn. Also they can easily OTK and have enough search power to easily pull off some Crazy combos. I play Mermails and very few times you will open up with a hand you cant do any thing with it.

Hieratics were designed to pull off easy OTKs. They swarm the field and XYZ a lot.

Madolches work around Shuffling cards in your graveyard into the deck so they can recycle their cards. They also swarm the field with level 3 and 4 monsters.

Bujins are a slow deck, but they play a lot of hand traps to pretect thier cards. The strategy is to protect thier Bujin Yamato. They don't do that much special summoning, but they play Vanity's Emptiness to stop you from special summoning.

Blackwings are an older deck, but they are still good. They swarm the field to synchro and XYZ summon. Thye can be very tough to beat because they play this synchro that can't be destroyed by battle.

Fire Fist play a lot of back row. Most of their spells and traps are continuous. They boost up the attack of thier monsters with card effects. Also they will XYZ and synchro summon a lot.

Geargia Karakuri decks are strong because the continually search with the effect of Geargiarmor. And swarm the field really fast.

Prophecy decks search and recycle cards a lot. They can be difficult to beat because they search out their combo cards. They are not OTK decks, but they still are strong.

Whta decks are you going to play this format?


  1. Dragon Rulers have not died they have actually been mixed with heirtics sorry if you think opposite but a friend and I have seen it much to many times for it to be dead

  2. I Just said that they were dead because every time i duel a dragon ruler deck i mostly win.


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