Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Principle of Inevitability

The principle of inevitability states that all things being equal one deck will beat another given enough time. If I say that a deck has inevitability it means that the longer the duel goes on the easier it is for that deck to win. This should not be mistaken with having a good grind game because they are totally different. Having inevitability means that you will gain advantage from a long duel whereas having a good grind means that you are able to survive a long duel. Remember this concept only applies if the two decks are equal in strength.

If you have ever played Yang Zings then you know that they have inevitability. You will gain advantage in the longer duels. This is why Yang Zings are generally considered to slow for this format. Most of the time they will have trouble with Nekroz, BA, and Satellars because those decks are to fast. Now lets look at the bigger picture. Suppose you are playing BA and and the duel goes on for 15 or 20 turns. You would be very low on resources while if your playing against Yang Zings they will have significant advantage over you.

So, do you think that the principle of inevitability exists or not? I would love to hear what you think in the comments. 
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